On the Light A Fire Podcast we get to take a deeper look into the worlds of Health, Wellness& Happiness.
With thought provoking discussions, interviews, and stories that inspire, you’ll be feeling the Spark that will Light your FIRE.
Conversations that serve as another outlet to help us light that inner fire, to find our healthy and “happy”, and to create an empowered life with purpose.
Episode 16 Discipline: A Tool for Success Your Health, Wellness & Happiness is a continuous, concious effort. Discipline is the tool that you can always keep in your...
What Else Is Possible? What Else Is Possible? What Else Is Possible? What Else Is Possible? What Else Is Possible? Episode 15 What would happen if every time you felt...
Episode 14 ------------------ 10 Tips For a Successful 2022... And beyond! In this episode, we go over 10 back-to-basics, truth filled, action based tips in order to have a...
Episode 8 ----------------------- New Year, New You? It's officially 2019! In our first episode of the year we discuss the hidden self talk behind the phrase "New Year, New...
Episode 13 ------------------- From the Mouths of Babes: A Child's Voice on the Effects of Inequality Summer of 2020...Life is so very different for many people. With the...
Episode 12 ---------------------- Coronavirus and Mental Health Here we are, together in having to be apart. What are the effects of our current Covid-19 climate on our mental health?...
Episode 11 ----------------------- Love Thyself: New Month, New Theme, Lot's of LOVE Taking February, the month of love, to a whole different level and focusing on YOU. Self-Love. LOVING...
Episode 10 ------------------- 20/20 Vision: Clarity in the New Year It's 2020 and we're back! Our first episode of the year takes a look at CLARITY: What it is, why...
Episode 9 ---------------------- Motion is Lotion What happens when something is dry and brittle?... It will easily crack and even break. But what about when something is soft and...
Episode 7 ----------------- Our Bodies: Tricks, Treats, and Lemonade And we are BACK! Light A Fire took a little break to handle some life things, get our mind right, and...