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Episode 4


Musings of a five year old: A Conversation on health and wellness


In this episode we have our very first interview! Yay!

It’s with my one and only, my main dude, my sidekick, my Bubs . . . My crazy and amazing 5 year old son Noah.

As a 24/7 single mom it’s hard to know if I’m dividing my time properly, teaching all the things I’m supposed to be, and focusing on the right stuff at the right times. Who knows what actually sinks into his brain, and what doesn’t even make it into one ear to be able to exit the other.

Because I have decided to make the leap of starting Light A Fire to eventually give my guy the life I’ve dreamed of being able to give him, I figured it was only appropriate that he be the very first Light A Fire Podcast interview. He’s always with me with every step, so let’s just keep that ball rolling by giving you and interview with a five year old.

I gave Noah a handful of topics to choose from and he went with “health”.

From this, we discuss what it means to be healthy, how to get healthy, why it’s good to be healthy, and everything that health and wellness entails (according to a five year old).

Noah and I start the episode off with his new rendition of the ABC’s (he just started kindergarten, and they’ve changed the song up a bit to clarify a few ellemenopee <LMNOP> issues.), talk about how he doesn’t like drinking water, sneaks the candy stash, loves doing table push-ups, and thinks it’s important to be healthy. We had lots of giggles recording this, and think you will too.

Happy listening!

All it takes is one spark to Light A Fire. Wear the crown.


Episode Challenge!

For this challenge Noah and I each picked one thing to challenge everyone to do for the next seven days to make us healthier.

  1. Noah’s pick = 22 push-ups EVERY DAY. They can be broken up throughout the day, or done all at once. They can be wall push-ups, table push-ups, on the floor with knees down, standard push-ups . . . Whatever works for you, your abilities, and your starting point.
  2. Jessica’s pick= Drink 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY. Now, if you already drink 8 glasses of water per day, then I want you to add 8 more.



  • Pay attention to how you feel after doing 22 push-ups every day. Do you notice some new shape happening in your shoulders? DO you feel stronger than you did on day 7 than day 1? Did you appreciate what it did for you mentally having to make sure you got your push-ups in that day no matter how busy or tired you were?


  • Adult bodies are made up of 55-60% water, babies around 78%, and by one year of age it’s at around 65%. Water is IMPORTANT for our bodies. Notice what drinking more water does for you. Perhaps your headaches have gone away. Maybe you aren’t as fatigued midday. Does your skin look nicer? What changes happen when you take in more water?



Let’s talk about all of it!

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