It’s officially 2022 and I’ve got 10 Tips to help you have a successful year and beyond…
These last TWO YEARS have been upside down and backwards, to say the least. And though this year hasn’t been the fresh, clean start that perhaps we were all hoping for, that doesn’t mean that you can’t still find your own personal successes this year, and beyond for that matter!
You won’t find any fancy business tips in this post, or meals plans and job opportunities. We are starting the year off going deeper than that. We are starting at the ground level… we are starting with YOU.
That means having to look honestly at yourself and put in the personal work.
If that’s not something that you’re ready for, that is completely OK. You can either come back when you are ready- you know where to find me. I’ll be here, waiting with excitement for your return.
OR, perhaps take a minute to read through all of these tips and see what does work for you, and begin small by implementing those things.

10 back-to-basics, truth-filled, action based, tips for you to have a successful 2022…
(or any year/month/day/moment)

You, You, YOU!
You’ve Got to Believe in Yourself
Don’t Worry About Others
Love Yourself
Honesty… With yourself
Get Your Head Right
Get Rid of Toxic People & Toxic Thoughts
Make a Plan. Write it Down.
Go to Therapy
Here’s what all of that means…
You, You, You: Inspired by all of the super hero movies we’ve been watching lately:
Everything you need is already in you.
But where’s the lie?! You are equipped with, or have the ability to equip yourself with all of the tools needed to live a healthy and happy life. *whispering*… you just have to be willing to put in the time and effort.
*GASP!* Scary, I know. It’s going to be ok. I’m here with you.
2. You’ve Got to Believe in Yourself:
Believe that you can:
– Live a healthy & happy life
– Accomplish your goals
– Do anything that you’re willing to work towards
Self confidence is considered one of the most influential motivators & regulators of behavior in people’s every day lives. So it just goes to show that confidence in yourself is going to be a major player in setting you up for success.
3. Don’t Worry About Others:
Don’t worry about:
– What others are thinking – Other people’s opinions
– Other people’s judgements – Making everyone happy
– Other people’s negative stuff that they keep throwing at you because that’s
the only way that they can feel better about themselves.
Recognizing that someone else’s opinion of you is usually a reflection of THEM, and not you is a super power.
Every time someone shares an unsolicited, unfavorable opinion of you and you are letting it get to you, I invite you to take a step back and examine WHY. Does that one person’s opinion of you determine your whole being? I sure hope not.
Yes, this is about them projecting their unresolved issues/traumas onto you, but how you let it effect you is solely YOUR responsibility.
4. LOVE. YO. SELF!… Love Yourself:
I’m pretty sure that I’ve said this about 5 million and a half times since the birth of Light A Fire, and guess what? I’m gonna keep on sayin it 5 million and half more times!
Loving WHO YOU ARE is a priority in life.
So from here on out, drop the BS thoughts that are happening in your head about how you’re not good enough, or whatever other negative thoughts you’ve got goin on up in that mind of yours.
Showing genuine love to and for yourself sets a standard for how others will treat you.
5. Honesty… With Yourself:
-You want to change some habits?
Then you’ve got to be honest about why you have those habits, what they are,
and why you want to change them.
-Do you want to lose weight?
Then you need to be honest about the things that got you to where you are
and what needs to be done next.
-Feeling like you need to make some life changes?
Whether they are big or small, can you be honest enough with yourself to
know what you need to do to make these changes?
When you have the ability to look at yourself, a situation, or even your life up to this point honestly, without judgements, but rather as a set of facts in front of you, that is when moving forward becomes more clear.
You value honesty in others, so then why are you okay with lying to yourself?
6. Get Your Head Right:
Get in the game… FOCUS!
What thoughts are constantly running through your mind?
Are they negative?…Positive?
Is there a continuous monologue of comparison?
Do you think you can or think you can’t?
Whatever your thoughts are- YOU’RE RIGHT!
Look, I don’t believe that you’re all those bad things you’ve been thinking, but whatever YOU are constantly telling yourself, your brain begins to believe it. So be careful what you put in there.
Your thoughts are only in your head- they don’t have to be your reality.
So get that head right!
7. Get Rid of Toxic People & Toxic Thoughts:
It’s 2022, WHY are you still hanging out with people who put you down, don’t support your goals, or tell you that you can’t do something???? Did we not learn any life lessons these last two years?
This is me with the tough love… STOP. IT.
This might mean a smaller social circle, upsetting some family members, and needing to have uncomfortable conversations. But what we need to realize is that all of those things are OK.
You will be amazed at how different you feel and how your life changes for the better when you cut toxic people loose.
8. Make a Plan. Write it Down.:
-What do you want in your life?
-What changes or upgrades do you want to make?
Whatever it is- WRITE IT DOWN.
I don’t care if your goals is to grow wings and become the next Tooth Fairy… write. it. down.
Be honest. Be clear. Write it down.
Have I said, “write it down” enough? Ok, good.
When you write down your goals you are forcing yourself to choose specific, measurable goals that are important to you in the long and short term.
Writing it down helps to give you focus and clarity. And once you have clarity you are better able to filter out the things that don’t support you and your goals.
BOOM. (one more time for good measure… write it down)
9. Therapy:
Yeah, I mean go get some. In whatever way speaks to you. A trained professional that can give you the tools for healing and growing.
People often see going to therapy as taboo because maybe people will think something is wrong with them…
Maybe something IS wrong!!
Did that ever occur to you? Not with you as a person, but with the “wiring” that has happened due to various life traumas.
Perhaps you’ve experienced some major traumas in your life, and when left unresolved, bottled up, and/or ignored, have now created various issues that negatively impact your life.
A trained professional can help yo breakthrough those traumas, help you heal, and give you real life tools to grow.
And these days, therapy is incredibly accessible no matter your budget, time, or availability.
No more being afraid of therapy…ok?…ok.
10. GO FORTH and DO:
We can talk all day long about what we need in order to be successful, but if we don’t actually DO the things, then what good is it?
At some point you must find the courage to go out and take action.
You will probably never feel like you are 100% ready, it might always be scary, and theres a good chance that you won’t entirely know what you’re doing. But you need to find the FIRE within and let yourself fly.

Phew! We made it!
10 actionable steps that you can take right now to evolve and live a life on FIRE.
If you’d like to listen to the Podcast version of this blog, you can visit me on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or listen on our LAF Podcast page.
All It Takes Is One Spark To Light A Fire
Be the Spark. Be the Fire.